Hi there! I'm a design researcher and lecturer based in Berlin and Lucerne. I love experimentation on the crossroads of design, research and technology, documentary film and biography. My research areas cover design justice, design and digital transformation, civic design, eco-social design, with focus on digital inequalities and participation. Currently I am a professor at HSLU Lucerne and researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society/Berlin University of the Arts. Before that, I was an interim professor for Transformation Design at Braunschweig University of the Arts. One of my current passions is the podcast "Purple Code. Intersectional feminist perspectives on digital societies", that I'm co-hosting with Sana Ahmad and Lena Ullbricht.
What else? You can view the list of publications and talks here: Weizenbaum Institute.
Among many other things I have co-edited a few books:
Book: "Practicing Sovereignty. Digital Involvement in Times of Crises". Herlo/Irrgang/Joost/Unteidig (eds.), transcript 2021.
Book: "Matters of Communication - Formen und Materialitäten gestalteter Kommunikation". Foraita/Herlo/Vogelsang (Hg.). transcript 2020.
Book: "Lechts und Rinks. Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Design der Neuen Rechten". Christensen/Fezer/ Herlo/Hornuff/Joost (Hg.), adocs Hamburg, 2020.
And made a documentary film: "Family Patterns. A conversation with the therapist Satuila Stierlin.", a documentary film, together with the author and therapist Helga Kurzchalia. 61 min., 2022
New book: DESIGN ALS HALTUNG. Handlungsfelder jenseits des Kommerziellen, by Ulrike Brueckner and Bianca Herlo;
New episode at Podcast "PURPLE CODE"